AISES Leadership Summit

The AISES Leadership Summit took place virtually on April 2nd & April 9th, 2021 9:45am-6:30pm PST.

The Summit is leadership in action from elders, mentors, researchers, students, and professionals that supports the emotional and the motivation in all of us. Together participants inform, interpret, and utilize STEM skills, knowledge, and opportunities to meet challenges, solve problems, build student readiness, and spark innovation that gives individuals the ability to compete in a highly competitive global economy.

Learn more about the Summit at

ASSIST: Collaborative to Illuminate Engineering Faculty Pathways

The ASSIST program engages early-career faculty, post-doctoral professionals, and graduate students in Engineering toward increasing the diversity of the Engineering professorate. This program provides registration and travel to attend the Faculty Career Development Workshop as pre-events to the AISES National Conference and Leadership Summit for the purpose of collaboration and networking.